Tuesday, April 04, 2006


“Saddam Hussein, you can’t hide, we charge you with genocide.”

An apt chant, considering he has today been charged with same.

Consider the following. During the American-Iraq War Against Iran (1980-1988), the Reagan regime of the US Republican Party provided at least $3 billion in agricultural cash credits to Iraq, encouraged the Persian Gulf states to lend billions to Iraq, provided targeting data to Iraq (used in conventional and WMD attacks against Iranians and Kurds), and sent the US Navy and Air Force to fight in support of Iraq’s forces in the Persian Gulf.

[All this history gone down Orwell’s memory-hole for you? As Casey Stengel said, “You could look it up.” It was on TV and in the local newspaper in Tulsa, Oklahoma, for sake.]

This war is usually called the “Iran-Iraq War.” Golly: Iran didn’t attack Iraq; Iraq attacked Iran, in an attempt to steal oil fields.

Recall: In 1953, the USA CIA overthrew the democratically-elected government in Iran, and replaced it with the military dictatorship of the “Shah of Shahs, the Light of the Aryans” Pahlavi. [As G. W. Bush would say, Let freedom ring.] Why are those Iranianacs so ungrateful?

[To GWB, freedom is just a ringtone, or, at least, nothing left to lose.]

To quote GWB, which I’m loath to do: “If you support terrorism, you are a terrorist.”

If you support Reagan’s support of Saddam Hussein, you are …

QED. Latin for: That which was to be proved.

If S. Hussein is charged with genocide, should not his bankrollers sit in the same dock with him?

And wasn’t G.W. Bush a staunch supporter of St. Ronald Reagan and his regime?



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