Saturday, October 06, 2007

Cradle 2 Grave

Today is Saturday, 6 October 2007.

I had planned on a day of columnar rest today, until a uniformed agent of the U.S. Government brought an envelope to my door this post-noon.

According to the enclosed letter: “ … That’s why the Gerber Life Burial Expense Plan is so important.”

According to the envelope, Gerber Life Insurance Company is “An affiliate of The Gerber Products Company”. According to the enclosed letter, Gerber Life Insurance Company is “A separate subsidiary of Gerber Products”. According to the return envelope, “Gerber Life was formed in 1967 and is an affiliate of the Gerber Products Company. We are proud to share in their long tradition of trust”.

Subsidiary or affiliate, that cute little Gerber Caucasian baby is featured on both the letter and the return envelope.

An entire new dimension to “Cradle to Grave”.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Seems rather symmetrical.
Came into this world eating their products and will likely go out the same way.

If Gerber starts subbing out their pap business to China, they may be able to make themselves into a one-stop shop, eliminating all of those messy years in-between.

11:13 PM  

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