Monday, April 14, 2008

Your Tax Dollars At Work

Today is Tuesday, 15 April 2008.

Also known as pay up to the Cheney-Bush crime family day or else.

Faux-President George W. Bush has confessed he approved of torture (doubtless with a sociopathic giggle and smirk):

Bush Aware of Advisers' Interrogation Talks

President Says He Knew His Senior Advisers Discussed Tough Interrogation Methods

April 11, 2008 [ABC News]

President Bush says he knew his top national security advisers discussed and approved specific details about how high-value al Qaeda suspects would be interrogated by the Central Intelligence Agency, according to an exclusive interview with ABC News Friday.

"Well, we started to connect the dots in order to protect the American people." Bush told ABC News White House correspondent Martha Raddatz. "And yes, I'm aware our national security team met on this issue. And I approved."

[Complete story at:]

"Waterboarding", e.g., is a form of torture in which a human is nearly drowned --- oh gosh, we're just pretending, unless of course the human is actually "accidentally" drowned.

It seems the good disciples of Christ in the Cheney-Bush crime family have never heard: "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."

Depose. Convict. Imprison.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

HH wrote: "Also known as pay up to the Cheney-Bush crime family day or else."

Not really funny. The current administration did not instigate the tax system in January 2000. Sorry you feel you are exempt from contributing to the common good like the rest of us. Personally, I am glad to know that police, fire, infrasturcture, defense, medicare, medicaid, social security, etc. etc. is out there for me and my family.

Get off the Convict/Imprison thing. Bush will be gone soon enough.

8:50 AM  
Blogger HH said...

I neither stated nor implied the Cheney-Bush crime family instigated the Federal personal income tax. Rather, they have perverted much to the proceeds to a criminal war. (Approximately 50%of the Federal budget pays for wars, past, present, and future.)

I welcome the opportunity to contribute financially to the common good, but not to the unnatural evil.

The Cheney-Bush crime family will not be gone "soon enough" (hopefully on 20 January 2009) for the millions who will, because of them and their supporters, suffer and die unnecessarily.

Depose! Convict! Imprison!

3:19 PM  

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