Saturday, June 20, 2009

Iran! Freedom!

Today is Saturday, 20 June 1009.

My many Iranian friends. I wish I were at your side. In my heart.

In Memory: my friend Y.


Anonymous just wondering said...

How about putting up something more appropriate to the region? Having the French National Anthem seems disingenuous.

1:25 PM  
Anonymous my mama taught me better said...

For shame, "just wondering." This was a heartfelt statement and obviously this music means something to HH. In any event, I disagree with you--this scene from the best movie ever made is entirely appropriate for the sentiment expressed.

You can choose the music on your own blog.

4:38 PM  
Anonymous just wondering said...

"For shame?"

I was giving my opinion. I am not ashamed of my opinion.

Yes, I am aware that this music means something to HH, as he has used it before.

11:07 AM  

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