Sunday, July 30, 2006

Yet Mo' Da Bomb: 7:39 AM CDT

Today is still Sunday, 30 July 2006, and Old Man River etc.

Your author is, for reasons which should be oblivious, inordinately fond of the works of Thornton Wilder, and esp. Our Town.


And my boy, Joel, who knew the stars --- he used to say it took millions of years for that speck of light to git to the earth. Don't seem like a body could believe it, but that what's he used to say -- millions of years."

Your author drives Mrs./Ms. MoB crazy, repeating this Wilder bit whenever we happen to be under the stars.

Guess it's time for moi to buy a new copy of 3 Plays by Thornton Wilder, since this one is falling to pieces.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why hasn't O.R. Hinsdale protested this travesty?

8:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who is someone from Minks to dis O.R. Hinsdale?

8:36 AM  

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