Saturday, November 03, 2007

Salvador Allende: Presente!

Today is Saturday, 3 November 2007.

On this day in 1970, Salvador Allende was inaugurated as freely-elected President of Chile.

On 11 September 1973, he was victim of a CIA-Chile Army coup, directed by Nixon and Kissinger. It remains unclear if Allende was murdered or killed himself, before he could be murdered.

From Chile: Obstinate Memory, a film by Patricio Guzman:

Chile: Obstinate Memory, Part 2:

Allende was a medical doctor and a Socialist. In a time when most poorer children in Chile had no access to milk, part of his program as president was free milk for all.

That was his great crime: at the end of the day, Allende believed even the poorest child deserves milk.


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