Today is Saturday, 10 June 2006.
Why do Log Cabin Republicans belong to a party of which (at least) a sizable minority would like to see them all exterminated RIGHT NOW, and another (at least) sizable minority is willing to wait until a merciful god FRIES THEM ALL IN HELL FOREVER?
Is a phony laissez faire attitude that compelling?
“Columbus only discovered
that he was in some new place.
He didn't discover America.”
--- Louise Erdrich
[ripped off from myleftwing.com]
Your author yesterday received a form e-mail from his Member of Congress, John Sullivan (R, OK), which began:
“Thank you for contacting me with your concerns regarding the Downing
Street Memo. It is good to hear from you and I appreciate the opportunity to
respond. … I disagree with you that President Bush should be investigated and
impeached with regard to the interpretation of one man's thoughts on the
Iraqi military operation addressed in the Downing Street Memo.”
Strange to note: this was the response to an e-mail requesting Mr. Sullivan vote for H.Res. 543, a discharge petition which would permit debate on all aspects of the Iraq war, not just the limited sham debate intended by the Republican leadership, and which did not include any reference to the Downing Street Memo.
Stranger to note: this is at least the 3rd time your author has received this form e-mail in response to his very different e-mails regarding the Iraq war, none of which mentioned the Downing Street Memo. Has Mr. Sullivan a guilty conscience in regard to the cats let out of the bag by the Downing Street Memo? Doth he therefore protest too much?
(MR. INHOFE) As you see here, and I think this is maybe the most important prop we’ll have during this entire debate, my wife and I have been married 47 years. We have 20 kids and grandkids. I’m really proud to say that in the recorded history of our family, we’ve never had a divorce or any kind of a homosexual relationship.
From Jerry Doolittle:
My wife and I have been married 50 years. We have 15 kids and grandkids. I’m really proud to say that in the recorded history of our family, we’ve had quite a few partial assholes, but never a complete one like Inhofe.
Oh, and another thing. Inhofe’s official homepage, as of this morning, reports that “Inhofe has been married to his wife, Kay, for 46 years and has four grown children and twelve grandchildren.” Apparently the senator didn’t bother to take his shoes off before doing the addition.
[ripped off from badattitudes.com]
The following section, relating to the required curriculum, of the Florida Omnibus Education Bill was recently passed by the Florida legislature and signed by Gov. Jeb Bush (declared, incidentally, by The Weekly Standard on its cover as "the best governor in America"):
(g) The history of the United States, including the
2 period of discovery, early colonies, the War for Independence,
3 the Civil War, the expansion of the United States to its
4 present boundaries, the world wars, and the civil rights
5 movement to the present. The history of the United States
6 shall be taught as genuine history and shall not follow the
7 revisionist or postmodernist viewpoints of relative truth.
8 American history shall be viewed as factual, not as
9 constructed, shall be viewed as knowable, teachable, and
10 testable, and shall be defined as the creation of a new nation
11 based largely on the universal principles stated in the
12 Declaration of Independence.
[italics added by MoB; ripped off from balkin.blogspot.com]
Students of human nature are familiar with the phenomenon: opponents regularly exaggerate the prowess and threat of the competition, contrasted with their own (righteous) weakness. This hoary strategm makes every victory shine brighter, every defeat less blameworthy, and, if one is a government agency rattling its tin cup, every budget request more justifiable. (Cf. CIA and KGB during the Cold War.)
One more than suspects this was the case with the USE/USSA government and al-Zarqawi: the former gave the latter credit for acts of terror his organization had nothing to do with, and the latter happily accepted. Everyone wins, except humanity and the truth.
Liza Sabater and Jessica Valenti alerted a bunch of us to this site, misfortune500.com, which takes corporations to task for their abuse of women around the world.
The site is a project of Women's Environment and Development Organization. It parodies Fortune magazine's list of biggest corporate fish, and brings to light the "corporate activities that violate women’s rights, threaten lives and livelihoods, and destroy the environment."
[ripped off from pinkofeministhellcat.typepad.com]
In “Freakoutonomics, an otherwise reasonably-perceptive essay on the Op-Ed page of The New York Times for 2 June 2006, Mr. Charles R. Morris makes the following claim: “Before the Civil War, America was perhaps the most egalitarian society in the world.”
In 1860, the population of America was approximately 31 millions. Of these 31 millions, 27 millions were free, and 4 millions were slaves. Of these 31 millions, 16 millions were male, and 15 millions were female.
Let us assume that Mr. Morris uses “egalitarian” in the common sense, or, as Webster’s Second Unabridged has it, “equalitarian,” the latter defined “as of or pertaining to social equality.”
There were 4 million slaves, not so socially equal. There were 15 millions of females, deprived by force and custom of a most basic right, the ballot, also not so socially equal. There were hundreds of thousands of First Americans, either confined by force to “reservations,” the quaint euphemism for “concentration camps”, or under genocidal attack, also not so socially equal. No one was particularly concerned to make a count of the former Mexican citizens, forcibly annexed to the USE/USSA by the American War of Conquest Against Mexico of 1846-48, also not so socially equal.
“Before the Civil War, America was perhaps the most egalitarian society in the world.”
Given that the competition included Russia, with its millions of enslaved serfs, and the United Kingdom, with its millions of Irish, Indians, and etc. languishing under the yoke of the British Empire, and France, lording it over the Algerians, and the Ottoman Empire, increasingly feeble and corrupt but still in the driver’s seat, and China, with millions chained to the hydraulic dictatorship of rice paddies …
Perhaps, “perhaps” is the right word.
And perhaps, for those on the wrong end of the great “perhaps” of such a sham “egalitarianism,” there wasn’t a dime’s worth of difference.
CELEB WATCH: Retorts indicate Angelina Jolie has left Brad Pitt for Donald “Real Man” Rumsfeld. They will henceforth be known as “Dongelina.” The happy couple expects twins in March. Miss Jolie is currently filming the female lead in the re-re-make of The Omen.
On yesterday’s MSNBC's Imus in the Morning, co-host Charles McCord said "It's unclear who will step forward to take Zarqawi's place in Iraq." Imus responded: "Maybe Dennis Kucinich could."
I remember a quarter-century ago, when Imus was funny and counter-cultural. Now ego and money-grubbing seem to have reduced him to a right-wing caricature of a Howard Stern wannabe.
At last, the real McCoy: a recipe from the excellent Tapas: The Little Dishes of Spain, by Penelope Casas: Thyme-Scented Green Olives (Aceitunas al Tomillo).
Lightly crush a 7-ounce jar of large green Spanish olives. Combine in a glass jar with 2 garlic cloves (lightly crushed and peeled), ¼ cup better-grade olive oil, and 1 tablespoon thyme. Shake to mix. Keep at room temperature for 24 hours, then refrigerate for 3 days. Keeps several weeks. Serve at room temperature.
Why do Log Cabin Republicans belong to a party of which (at least) a sizable minority would like to see them all exterminated RIGHT NOW, and another (at least) sizable minority is willing to wait until a merciful god FRIES THEM ALL IN HELL FOREVER?
Is a phony laissez faire attitude that compelling?
“Columbus only discovered
that he was in some new place.
He didn't discover America.”
--- Louise Erdrich
[ripped off from myleftwing.com]
Your author yesterday received a form e-mail from his Member of Congress, John Sullivan (R, OK), which began:
“Thank you for contacting me with your concerns regarding the Downing
Street Memo. It is good to hear from you and I appreciate the opportunity to
respond. … I disagree with you that President Bush should be investigated and
impeached with regard to the interpretation of one man's thoughts on the
Iraqi military operation addressed in the Downing Street Memo.”
Strange to note: this was the response to an e-mail requesting Mr. Sullivan vote for H.Res. 543, a discharge petition which would permit debate on all aspects of the Iraq war, not just the limited sham debate intended by the Republican leadership, and which did not include any reference to the Downing Street Memo.
Stranger to note: this is at least the 3rd time your author has received this form e-mail in response to his very different e-mails regarding the Iraq war, none of which mentioned the Downing Street Memo. Has Mr. Sullivan a guilty conscience in regard to the cats let out of the bag by the Downing Street Memo? Doth he therefore protest too much?
(MR. INHOFE) As you see here, and I think this is maybe the most important prop we’ll have during this entire debate, my wife and I have been married 47 years. We have 20 kids and grandkids. I’m really proud to say that in the recorded history of our family, we’ve never had a divorce or any kind of a homosexual relationship.
From Jerry Doolittle:
My wife and I have been married 50 years. We have 15 kids and grandkids. I’m really proud to say that in the recorded history of our family, we’ve had quite a few partial assholes, but never a complete one like Inhofe.
Oh, and another thing. Inhofe’s official homepage, as of this morning, reports that “Inhofe has been married to his wife, Kay, for 46 years and has four grown children and twelve grandchildren.” Apparently the senator didn’t bother to take his shoes off before doing the addition.
[ripped off from badattitudes.com]
The following section, relating to the required curriculum, of the Florida Omnibus Education Bill was recently passed by the Florida legislature and signed by Gov. Jeb Bush (declared, incidentally, by The Weekly Standard on its cover as "the best governor in America"):
(g) The history of the United States, including the
2 period of discovery, early colonies, the War for Independence,
3 the Civil War, the expansion of the United States to its
4 present boundaries, the world wars, and the civil rights
5 movement to the present. The history of the United States
6 shall be taught as genuine history and shall not follow the
7 revisionist or postmodernist viewpoints of relative truth.
8 American history shall be viewed as factual, not as
9 constructed, shall be viewed as knowable, teachable, and
10 testable, and shall be defined as the creation of a new nation
11 based largely on the universal principles stated in the
12 Declaration of Independence.
[italics added by MoB; ripped off from balkin.blogspot.com]
Students of human nature are familiar with the phenomenon: opponents regularly exaggerate the prowess and threat of the competition, contrasted with their own (righteous) weakness. This hoary strategm makes every victory shine brighter, every defeat less blameworthy, and, if one is a government agency rattling its tin cup, every budget request more justifiable. (Cf. CIA and KGB during the Cold War.)
One more than suspects this was the case with the USE/USSA government and al-Zarqawi: the former gave the latter credit for acts of terror his organization had nothing to do with, and the latter happily accepted. Everyone wins, except humanity and the truth.
Liza Sabater and Jessica Valenti alerted a bunch of us to this site, misfortune500.com, which takes corporations to task for their abuse of women around the world.
The site is a project of Women's Environment and Development Organization. It parodies Fortune magazine's list of biggest corporate fish, and brings to light the "corporate activities that violate women’s rights, threaten lives and livelihoods, and destroy the environment."
[ripped off from pinkofeministhellcat.typepad.com]
In “Freakoutonomics, an otherwise reasonably-perceptive essay on the Op-Ed page of The New York Times for 2 June 2006, Mr. Charles R. Morris makes the following claim: “Before the Civil War, America was perhaps the most egalitarian society in the world.”
In 1860, the population of America was approximately 31 millions. Of these 31 millions, 27 millions were free, and 4 millions were slaves. Of these 31 millions, 16 millions were male, and 15 millions were female.
Let us assume that Mr. Morris uses “egalitarian” in the common sense, or, as Webster’s Second Unabridged has it, “equalitarian,” the latter defined “as of or pertaining to social equality.”
There were 4 million slaves, not so socially equal. There were 15 millions of females, deprived by force and custom of a most basic right, the ballot, also not so socially equal. There were hundreds of thousands of First Americans, either confined by force to “reservations,” the quaint euphemism for “concentration camps”, or under genocidal attack, also not so socially equal. No one was particularly concerned to make a count of the former Mexican citizens, forcibly annexed to the USE/USSA by the American War of Conquest Against Mexico of 1846-48, also not so socially equal.
“Before the Civil War, America was perhaps the most egalitarian society in the world.”
Given that the competition included Russia, with its millions of enslaved serfs, and the United Kingdom, with its millions of Irish, Indians, and etc. languishing under the yoke of the British Empire, and France, lording it over the Algerians, and the Ottoman Empire, increasingly feeble and corrupt but still in the driver’s seat, and China, with millions chained to the hydraulic dictatorship of rice paddies …
Perhaps, “perhaps” is the right word.
And perhaps, for those on the wrong end of the great “perhaps” of such a sham “egalitarianism,” there wasn’t a dime’s worth of difference.
CELEB WATCH: Retorts indicate Angelina Jolie has left Brad Pitt for Donald “Real Man” Rumsfeld. They will henceforth be known as “Dongelina.” The happy couple expects twins in March. Miss Jolie is currently filming the female lead in the re-re-make of The Omen.
On yesterday’s MSNBC's Imus in the Morning, co-host Charles McCord said "It's unclear who will step forward to take Zarqawi's place in Iraq." Imus responded: "Maybe Dennis Kucinich could."
I remember a quarter-century ago, when Imus was funny and counter-cultural. Now ego and money-grubbing seem to have reduced him to a right-wing caricature of a Howard Stern wannabe.
At last, the real McCoy: a recipe from the excellent Tapas: The Little Dishes of Spain, by Penelope Casas: Thyme-Scented Green Olives (Aceitunas al Tomillo).
Lightly crush a 7-ounce jar of large green Spanish olives. Combine in a glass jar with 2 garlic cloves (lightly crushed and peeled), ¼ cup better-grade olive oil, and 1 tablespoon thyme. Shake to mix. Keep at room temperature for 24 hours, then refrigerate for 3 days. Keeps several weeks. Serve at room temperature.
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