Wednesday, August 29, 2007

In Memory: Hilly Kristal

Today remains Wednesday, 29 August 2007.

In 1973, a visionary named Hilly Kristal created one of the most wonderful skanky clubs I ever was in, in New York City, and that's one hell of a compliment, considering the clubs in which I have been, the legendary CBGB.

In the days before The Bowery began to gentrify, he was the first serious club owner to book the likes of The Ramones, Blondie, and Talking Heads. There was punk born.

Word came today he died yesterday of cancer, at 75.

Herewith, in his honour, my fav Talking Heads tune, which many of my friends in NYC thought should be my Personal Anthem, a concept to which I couldn't object.

"This ain't no party, this ain't no disco".


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