Wednesday, January 13, 2010

"Some of These Days"

Today is Wednesday, 13 January 2010.

Our little black dachshund was rescued by Mrs. HH, from the street onto which the child (aged 3 months) had been discarded, in January 2006.

Mrs. HH named her "Sophie", to which I added, "Tucker".


Anonymous a little clarification needed said...

A child was abandoned on a street near your house?

I think you mean . . . your dog got out in the street. This street was the same one on which you found your dog four years ago.

Those of us who know you, know you think of your dogs as children. However, not everyone who reads this blog knows that. Don't be too cutesy with your words that you distort the story/message/meaning.

9:32 AM  
Blogger HH said...

My apologies. Our dog didn't get out in the street. "in January 2006" should have led the sentence. And perhaps I should have written "waif" instead of "child". Sheesh: can't get away with a damn thing around my readers!

10:31 AM  

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