Saturday, April 24, 2010

Memo to Obama

Today remains Saturday, 24 April 2010.

If you need to appoint a white guy to the Supreme Court, one could do a hell of a lot worse than Moi.

But you might also wish to consider Mike, or even Richard, who actually has a law degree, and is as left as Moi.

However, I urge you to consider some chicks, as they enjoy calling themselves. Call Moi, I’ve got a long list.

And, you know whom you are, ladies.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm voting for less bias...not more.
Don't think you qualify

7:52 PM  
Blogger HH said...

Keep it coming. However: Back at ya, citizen.

11:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why would you think I don't qualify? Quick to judge based on 1 comment don't you think?

10:30 PM  
Anonymous rtr said...

Rubber - glue?

10:31 AM  
Blogger HH said...

Sorry to offend, Anonymous. I was trying to be funny - it's a "Doonesbury" reference. My guess: a ten-hour, televised debate between the two of us, on Constitutional issues, would be both educational and fun as hell. Given the times, as we once said in NYC, "Good luck on getting that on Cable Public Access Channel D".

2:43 PM  

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