Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Straightening Priorities

Today is Monday, 7 June 2010.

Last week, the military of the far-right government of Israel, enforcing that government’s illegal naval blockade of Gaza, committed piracy by attacking and stealing a civilian ship bound for Gaza, and assassinated nine civilians in the process.

Seems that’s all on the backburner, given the comments of The Greatest Threat to the Survival of Israel Since the Defeat of Nazi Germany: veteran White House correspondent Helen Thomas.

In due course, I’ll comment on the comments of Thomas. For the moment, let us recall that what Thomas said is unlikely to result in even one assassination, let alone nine.

Sympathy is due to the people of Gaza, besieged by two mortal enemies: the political gangsters of the Israeli far-right, and the political gangsters of far-right Hamas. Both the Israeli far-right and the Hamas far-right are types who, whenever they mouth the word “God”, pronounce it, in their hearts, “Me”.


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