Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Homage, Homage, Homage

Today remains Tuesday, 31 July 2007.

Both Bergman and Antonioni died yesterday.

Liszt died this day in 1886.

Sorrow and Remembrance.

Shakespeare, Hamlet, Stoppard, Rosencratnz and Guildenstern Are Dead, and Henry Mancini (Theme from Peter Gunn):

And here's Peter Sellers (What if Laurence Olivier had performed "A Hard Day's Night"?):

And here's Olivier himself:

And a trailer for The Seventh Seal, by Bergman. Filmed in 1957, what a bombshell it must have been on these shores.

Never cease to question.

Antonioni and Prokofiev:

Look. See. Feel. Think. It is not fated that darkness shall always fall. Dawn and spring may yet arrive.

Always imagine.


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