Wednesday, September 05, 2007

My Guitar Is Old As Father Time/This Machine Kills Fascists/This Machine Surrounds Hate With Love and Forces It to Surrender/Solidarity Forever!

Today remains Wednesday, 5 September 2007.

I know Josh White would be glad that I, as it were, step on his lines with this supplement.

Today many taxi drivers in New York City, those knights of the yellow cabs, begin a two day strike.

Sure, many of them make almost a decent living off their often 12 hour shifts. But they don’t need the Mayor Billionberg mandated extra expense of installing credit card readers, GPS tracking systems (“so the fares can see where they are” … ??? … look out the window, fool), and seatback advertising systems (just what I always wanted, pitchpersons in the backseat, so I can’t converse with the drivers, who always have more interesting stories than soap commercials).

So, were I still living in The Big Apple, I wouldn’t be taking any taxis today or tomorrow. I got legs.

Here, in solidarity, from the great Harry Chapin’s last concert (ironically, he died a few months later in a traffic accident on the Long Island Expressway):


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