Friday, August 22, 2008

McCain's Housing Crisis

Today is Friday, 22 August 2008.

Thanks to a discerning journalist at the Guardian in London for this tour of John and Cindy's many mansions:

Yes, John "Crash" McCain is just a regular guy and life-long Washington Outsider who happens to co-own 4 or 7 or 8 or 10 houses. Thus, one understands how John and Mummy "forgot" to pay property taxes on one of them for 4 years. (Yes, yes, I know they don't stoop to that sort of detail personally; they have servants for that.)

Find more house pics at:

For good measure, here's Cindy caught lying about the circumstances of adopting their youngest child:

And, while we're not on the subject: this year's GOP convention will apparently be the first to feature both a presidential nominee and a keynote speaker who are notorious adulterers.

On a more sinister note, it seems as if the Cheney-Bush junta is preparing to legitamize what the FBI has been doing illegally for years:


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