Friday, September 10, 2010

Looking Ahead

Today is Friday, 10 September 2010.

Looking ahead to tomorrow:

“The Korean conflict was the occasion for transforming the United States into a very different country than it had ever been before: one with hundreds of permanent military bases abroad, a large standing army and a permanent national security state at home … It didn’t brand a generation, and it may be forgotten or unknown to the general public, but it was the occasion for transforming the United States into a country that the founding fathers would barely recognize … Finally, it was this war and not World War II which established a far-flung American base structure abroad and a national security state at home, as defense spending nearly quadrupled in the last six months of 1950, and turned the United States into the policeman of the world.”

From The Korean War: A History (New York: The Modern Library, 2010), by Bruce Cumings, the eminent East Asian scholar.


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