Tuesday, August 29, 2006

A Good Idea

Today is Tuesday, 29 August 2006.

The MoB is back in black.

Ingrid Bergman died on this date in 1982.

Lee Marvin died on this date in 1987.

On this date in 1931, Gandhi arrived in London for the Second Round Table Conference in London.

He was asked, “Mr. Gandhi, what do you think of Western Civilization?”

His reply, and all together now:

“I think it would be
A good idea.”


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dude - You are back, and definitely in black (and not just your screen background). Today is Hurricane Katrina's one year anniversary. There is going to be enough sadness out there today. Give us just a few light-hearted words.

Remember that your Inner Circle thinks you are Da Bomb.

7:39 AM  

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