Tuesday, March 20, 2007

In the Fifth Year of War

Today is Tuesday, 20 March 2007.

We have entered upon the 5th year of the Bush-Cheney Conquest of Iraq.

More than 500,000 Iraqis have been killed, or some 2% of the population.

The equivalent in this country would be 6,000,000 Americans killed.

Some 2,600,000 Iraqis have been made refugees, internally or externally, or some 10% of the population.

The equivalent in this country would be 30,000,000 American refugees.

Bush, Cheney, and a majority of Americans profess to be Christians.

“Do unto others … “

All Bush, Cheney, et al. can propose is more killing.

It is far past time for Americans to rise up and force Congress to remove Bush and Cheney, thus elevating House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to the Presidency.

Americans must demand that the Federal Government place the questions and governance of Iraq under United Nations control, and demand the United Nations find just solutions that benefit Iraqis, not the selfish national interests of the USA/USE/USS or any other nation.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amen to that, brother!

9:56 PM  

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