Saturday, December 22, 2012

This "Silent Night" Crap

Today is Saturday, 22 December 2012.

Birthday, in 1858, of Giacomo Puccini.

In 1894, Capt. Alfred Dreyfus of the French army is wrongly found guilty of treason, and condemned to Devil's Island.

In 1895, Willhelm Roentgen made the first X-ray (of his wife's hand).

In 1937, the Lincoln Tunnel beneath the Hudson opens in NYC; I could see the entry road from my pad in Manhattan.

In1943, Beatrix Potter died.

As of 10.08pm CST (04.09 Universal Time), the N.R.A. and American firearms "enthusiasts" have failed miserably to apply themselves to their vocation:  not one firearms massacre has taken place on this day in this great bloody land of ours.

What's up with this "Silent Night" crap?

Why haven't you commemorated Bernard Goetz's shooting of four would-be Black muggers on a subway train on this date in 1984?  Bernie said, "You don't look so bad," before shooting one wounded man in the back as he lay helplessly on the train floor.  Now THAT'S self-defense!

His pad was a few doors down from my first NYC office (Fourteenth Street).  A twitchy, paranoid, spooky headcase.  I sure as hell never turned my back on him, when we encountered on the street.

Are you saving your ammunition for Christmas, to give that baby a fitting entry into this world?


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