In a ruling handed down Monday (McDonald v. Chicago), liberal activist judges voted to ignore the plain meaning and original intent of the Constitution, gutting the Founding Fathers, and employing Big Government to impose the tyranny of their own radical views on sovereign states and municipalities.
These radical extremist, unelected bureaucrats have …oh …
Samuel Alito. Anthony M. Kennedy. John G. Roberts, Jr. Antonin Scalia. Clarence Thomas.
REACTIONARY activist judges.
“Never mind,” as a certain young lady was wont to say.
Building on the lying sophistry of Heller (District of Columbia v. Heller), the Fatality Five ruled that local and state gun control laws are nullified by the Second Amendment, since the former infringe on a fancied Constitutional right of individuals to own firearms for self-defense.
What does the Second Amendment say?
“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”
In plain language, “the right of the people to keep and bear Arms” is obviously conditioned by, in the context of, and contingent on the existence of and individual membership in “a well regulated Militia”. There being no such Militia, there can be no members, and therefore the Second Amendment applies to a situation which does not exist. (If A, then B. If not A, then not B.) As Constitutional “originalists” would say: if the Founding Fathers had intended there to be a right for individuals to own weapons of terror for self-defense, they would have said so, and forthrightly.
And what about the supposed love of conservatives for local control, and distrust of the dictates of Big Centralized Government? In the instant case, the law in Chicago, which essentially banned handgun ownership, is overturned by … Big Centralized Government, in the person of five unelected males.
The National Rifle Association (pronounced “National Handgun Murder Association”) must be so pleased: another conspiracy of activist terror-loving conservative judges have affirmed that it’s permanent open season on human beings.
I feel so safe, knowing that more than 200 million handguns are at large in the USA/USE, the vast majority owned by persons technically unqualified to employ them.
Terror begins at home.